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Archive for the... Website Planning

About Digital Marketing strategies and other methods to
help your business grow.

Wireframes 101: Wireframes for Beginners
Website Design | Website Planning

This blog will help answer some of the questions you were wondering about wireframes. “What is a wireframe? “Why do I need one?” “How do I start?” “What do I need for it?” Here is the beginning of it all. What is a wireframe? A wireframe is like an outline of how your website or…

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Design Your Website for User Experience
Website Design | Website Planning

When a customer comes to your website, you only have seconds to influence them. By focusing on the user experience (often called UX design), you strive to create a frictionless experience that aligns with their daily life. A web page designed for the user experience will convert much better. What would a good UX Design…

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Optimize Your Page Load Speed
Web Usability | Website Planning

At this day and age, no one has time to take it slow. Online users have full control of how they spend their time browsing. It’s not rocket science that if your page loads too slow, there’s a good chance– about 53% — they’d leave, and never come back. Slow-loading pages aren’t good for your…

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How To Attract The RIGHT Customers
Website Design | Website Planning | Web Usability

Attracting traffic is one, but attracting the right customers is another big puzzle to solve. When doing your marketing efforts, make sure that you’re spending it on the right kind of customers. You can easily spot them– They’re the ones who NEED you, they’d be willing to PAY you, and they will REFER you if…

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website security
WordPress Security Best Practices
Website Design | Website Planning

15 Steps to Lock Down Your WordPress Website WordPress websites are a common target of hackers because WordPress is the world’s most popular website platform. WordPress security best practices use a layered security approach to maximize your protection.   Secure server environment Website firewall WordPress security procedures Start With a Secure Server Environment Start with…

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Creating an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide
Business Consulting | Website Planning

Definition of an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy:  A built-in digital advertising and marketing method refers to a comprehensive strategy combining many online advertising and marketing channels and systems into a cohesive plan. It entails synchronizing efforts through social media, email marketing, content material marketing, SEO, paid advertising, and more to acquire unique enterprise objectives. Importance…

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optimize mobile speed
Why You Should Optimize Mobile Speed
Mobile Web | Website Design | Website Planning

Mobile page speed refers to the speed a website loads in a mobile device, such as smartphones or tablets. In today’s day and age, where most people use smartphones, the speed of a mobile page is more important than ever. The problem is, most of the time, a website still loads faster on a desktop…

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A Study on How Much Mobile Traffic is going to Small Business Websites
Web Usability | Website Planning | Mobile Web

I found the actual traffic from mobile to be 29.1% when I checked 20 of our client websites for Q1 of 2014. This is up from 22.4% for Q1 of 2013. These mobile numbers include mobile phones and tablet visits. I wanted to answer the question how much of the traffic going to small business…

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Use the Website Strategy Pyramid to Plan Your Website
Business Consulting | Website Planning

The website strategy pyramid allows you to ask the right questions to develop an effective website that produces tangible results. Start with the results you want the website to produce for your organization.  Then answer who you most want to reach and what is it they want.  When they arrive how will you get them…

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Website Planning Begins With Your Business Objectives
Website Planning

Website planning is a methodical process that takes your objectives for your website, develops them into strategies and then creates a blueprint for building your website. Start by asking the question why are you building this website? What is the website’s purpose? What should this website achieve if it is going to be successful? What…

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