Web Usability

May 28, 2021
Rommel G

How to Know If Your Core Web Vitals Are OK?

Last November 11, 2020, Google announced the roll-out of another important ranking factor: the Page Experience Signal in May 2021. This announcement is very significant because it’s the first time ever that Google has introduced...

Feb 8, 2021
Rommel G

Core Web Vitals: The New Ranking Factor for Page Experience

Google will always be updating for the sake of the internet users around the world. It may be challenging as the changes happen often, but it is essentially for the best as it allows you...

Nov 27, 2019
Rommel G

The Ideal Customer Friendly Experience

Want to make your customers (clients or patients) come back for more? Look at your selling and delivery processes to provide a customer-friendly experience. Customer loyalty is driven by likeability (86%) and trust (83%) according...

Nov 13, 2019
Rommel G

Optimize Your Page Load Speed

At this day and age, no one has time to take it slow. Online users have full control of how they spend their time browsing. It’s not rocket science that if your page loads too...

Oct 23, 2019
Rommel G

How To Attract The RIGHT Customers

Attracting traffic is one, but attracting the right customers is another big puzzle to solve. When doing your marketing efforts, make sure that you’re spending it on the right kind of customers. You can easily...

May 4, 2014
Rommel G

A Study on How Much Mobile Traffic is going to Small Business Websites

I found the actual traffic from mobile to be 29.1% when I checked 20 of our client websites for Q1 of 2014. This is up from 22.4% for Q1 of 2013. These mobile numbers include...

Jun 8, 2013
Rommel G

Website Strategy Planning Model

A successful website takes planning and strategy. Website strategy should be a central part of your marketing effort developing leads and sales. A website that doesn’t produce leads is merely an expense. Internet marketing is...

May 18, 2013
Rommel G

Color Psychology: Colors You Use in Your Website Will Greatly Affect its Success or Failure

Why would we put such importance on color psychology? This is because color communicates almost instantly at an emotional level setting mood, interest or anger. It is not a logical communication of ideas or thoughts,...

Mar 10, 2013
Rommel G

15 Examples of High Traffic WordPress Websites

Looking for examples if high traffic, popular WordPress websites? Here are 15 that I have found using Alexa Rank as the basis for my selection. Remember that the lower the Alexa ranking, the higher the...

Mar 2, 2013
Rommel G

AutoPlay or Not? That is the Video Question.

Autoplay is when a video starts to play automatically when you land on a web page or landing page. There are many very strong opinions on this. While I was doing research for this post,...