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Archive for the... Mobile Web

About Digital Marketing strategies and other methods to
help your business grow.

turn lookers into buyers
Tune The Mobile Version of Your Website
Mobile Web

Mobile users are quick to abandon a site that loads slowly or is hard to view. Many websites are designed for desktop and are never tuned to the mobile phone. Yet 50-70% of website traffic likely is coming from mobile. Most websites are mobile responsive which means that the layout adapts to the screen size….

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optimize mobile speed
Why You Should Optimize Mobile Speed
Mobile Web | Website Design | Website Planning

Mobile page speed refers to the speed a website loads in a mobile device, such as smartphones or tablets. In today’s day and age, where most people use smartphones, the speed of a mobile page is more important than ever. The problem is, most of the time, a website still loads faster on a desktop…

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A Study on How Much Mobile Traffic is going to Small Business Websites
Mobile Web | Web Usability | Website Planning

I found the actual traffic from mobile to be 29.1% when I checked 20 of our client websites for Q1 of 2014. This is up from 22.4% for Q1 of 2013. These mobile numbers include mobile phones and tablet visits. I wanted to answer the question how much of the traffic going to small business…

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Responsive Web Design is the Next Big Deal
Mobile Web | Website Design

What is responsive web design? You design your website to look good with the wide screen desktop computers. Your website must display well on mobile. Does that mean a separate mobile version of your website? How will your site look on the iPad, the new iPad mini or smartphone. You can create many versions of…

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mobile apps
Mobile App Promotion Strategies: 10 Proven Ways How to Promote Mobile App
Mobile Web

1. App Store Optimization App Store Optimization (ASO) is imperative for ensuring your mobile app is seen in the crowded app marketplace. It involves optimizing several aspects of your app’s listing on app stores like Google Play Store and Apple App Store. This includes crafting an attention-grabbing title, strategically choosing keywords, writing a compelling description,…

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