Customer Conversion Rate: What You Need to Know

Authored By: Phillip Salinas

When you are running an online campaign, you need to know your customer conversion rate. A good conversion rate would be an indication that you are running a great campaign. This would also mean that your product or content is resonating with your target audience. So, getting a good conversion rate would mean that your marketing efforts are effective.

The customer conversion rate is advantageous to those with an eCommerce website– whether you are selling a product or service. So, if you are running an online store, you need to monitor your stats to know your website conversion rate and conversion metrics.

What is the Customer Conversion Rate?

Customer conversion rate is a percentage of the total number of visitors who did a specific desired action. For example, it could be the action of visitors submitting a contact form, making a purchase, signing for a subscription, or clicking on the CTA link.

If you are running an eCommerce website, you need to pay attention to your customer conversion rate. By looking at your conversion rate, you will e able to pinpoint what’s is missing and how to improve them.

What is a Good Customer Conversion Rate?

If the conversion rate determines a good marketing design, the higher the figure, the better. But on average, 2% to 5% is a good conversion rate. The number seems very low, but according to experts, this is actually a good number that determines the efficiency of your marketing strategy.

An average customer conversion rate may differ depending on the niche or industry. So for you to know your site’s conversion rate, all you need to do is go to Google Analytics and click on the Conversion> Goals> Overview.

How is a customer conversion rate calculated?

As mentioned, the customer conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who perform the desired action over the total number of visitors.

So, if you have an eCommerce store and your desired action is for visitors to purchase, your customer conversion rate is the customers who actually made the purchase. So, for example, if ten people visited your online shop and 2 of them check out and bought a product, then your customer conversion rate is 2%.

How to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate?

Business owners and entrepreneurs believe that when the number of visitors increases, they can also get more customers. But this is not always the case. The website’s pages are one of the contributing factors why customers stay, browse further and click the purchase button. This means the overall user interface of your website can break or make a purchase. So you must get the best websites for your customers.

Additionally, increasing your conversion rate will also get more leads without spending too much money.

To improve the customer conversion rate, you must identify first what action you would like to convert. And then, you can check the below tips:

1. Keep your design smooth and simple.

It takes less than 2 seconds to create a good impression and prevent visitors from clicking the back button. So, the design of your website matters. The first page that visitors see should introduce clearly who you are, what you do, or what you are selling. In this way, visitors will get interested in browsing further and looking into the details of the products.

2. Have smooth and easy navigation.

If you are trying to make a sale, you should consider the number of clicks the visitors have to do before they can actually check out. The lesser the clicks, the better. Moreover, the navigation and the flow should be easy to understand. Customers should know where to go next or know if they are on the right page. Otherwise, they will leave the site and kill your conversion rate.

3. Add an exit popup on your website.

An exit popup could be your last chance. May it be a purchase coupon or featuring a discounted product. If your popup contains a form to fill out, make sure to require only a few fields to fill in; otherwise, it can be a little annoying to them and make them decide to withdraw and exit.

4. Add reviews, customer testimonials, and logos.

Reviews and testimonials will be the reason for new customers to stay on your site and later on decide to purchase. In addition, no consumer wants to be the first person to use a new product. Often, they want to know the quality of the product and how it can meet their needs through the feedback of the past customers.

5. Strengthen your CTA copy.

Your CTA could reroute your customer to the link that could contribute to your website’s conversion rate. When developing CTA, you have to consider your target audience or marketing objectives. Your CTA should focus on enticing customers to get interested in the product offer. They should also find information about the other products and customer feedback on one page once they click the link on the CTA.


Do you need more help with conversation rate? Feel free to get in touch with Techna Digital Marketing today. We’d be more than happy to help!

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