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Archive for the... Content Marketing

About Digital Marketing strategies and other methods to
help your business grow.

article marketing
Article Marketing in a Post-Panda World
Content Marketing

Article marketing has long been a key traffic strategy and link building strategy. Then along came the Google Panda Update of 2011. This hit the article marketing industry very hard. Why is that? Many article marketers used the shotgun approach. Many would write a single article and then run it through article spinning software. This…

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web content writer
How to Hire a Web Content Writer
Content Marketing

There are lots of content writers available to hire. They come in all price ranges, but price should not be your only selection criteria. Quality of your website content is  most important. Instead ask yourself “will it convince and sell my product?” Good content writing should be well researched. The writer should understand your business…

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FAQ Pages – An Internet marketing strategy
Content Marketing

FAQ’s are an important element in web design and do more than just answer questions! They are an important digital marketing strategy and part of the sales conversion process. They get answers to customers quickly, reduce your workload and they are a great source of keyword-rich content for search engine optimization. If you can effectively help…

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