10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

Buyer Psychology is the Secret to a Great Website

Authored By: Phillip Salinas

buyer-psychologyA great website attracts interested buyers, offers them deals that they want and then convinces them to act. How does this happen? The answer is buyer psychology.

Buyer psychology takes a clear understanding of who your prospects are. Understanding what they are searching for. Present an irresistible offer that will cause them to take action. Here are the the 5 A’s of buyer psychology and conversion.

Audience: You need to know who your best prospects are and what motivates them. What problems are they facing? What are their triggers that will cause them to take action? Where do they spend time searching for answers?

Attraction: People search for solutions to a problem or a need. They will use search engines and use either organic search results or paid search advertisements. Either way they search using keyword phrases. Use longer phrases (3-5 words) that are specific and that will get better conversions.

Approach: When they arrive to your site, greet them with the solution they are seeking. Demonstrate that you have the best solution by clearly showing your advantages and benefits. Guide them down your selling sequence and show your features and specifications later.

Assurance: Build trust at every step. Start with a professional and credible looking website. Reassure with the use of trust logos, privacy policy, testimonials and return policies. Show your phone number and address on every page showing that you are a real business.

Action: Provide a clear and visible path to action. Make it very easy to signup, request information or buy from you. Position your call your action above the fold and make it stand out. Make it very compelling and irresistible.

Buyer psychology means having a clear understanding of your best buyers, their motivations and their triggers. The best websites are simple and focused, making it easy to take action. They provide trust building elements that answer the question “Why should I trust you?”

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