10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

Use SEO Blogging to Boost Rankings

Authored By: DaBina Donley

article-by-Doug-WilliamsWhat is a natural way to increase your website rankings? Try adding a blog to your website and writing with a technique known as SEO blogging. Each posting adds one more page of fresh original, keyword rich content to your website.

In SEO blogging you use blogging to optimize your website. It requires writing interesting and original material to attract links from other bloggers. Here is how the process works.

  1. Set-up a blog on your website. Place it in a folder such as mydomain.com/blog (never in a subdomain such as blog.mydomain.com). This is very important since others will link to your content and you want those links to benefit your entire website and not just your blog.
  2. Keyword plan: Create a list of keywords that you want your website to rank well for. Every phrase should have a page on your website that it relates to. Place the URL of the page next to the keyword phrase that most closely relates to that phrase. For the best results you should be using these keyword phrases visibly on the content in your web pages.
  3. Topic: Select a topic that interests you and that you think your readers will enjoy. The topic should be closely related to a keyword phrase from your keyword plan; this should be in line with the theme of your blog. Your blog should answer a popular question, solve a problem or entertain your audience.
  4. Keyword Focused Posting: The key is to have a highly keyword focused posting that will link to a specific page on your site. Select one primary keyword phrase that you will center your entire posting around. Use the keyword in the Title, in the first paragraph, at least one other time in the posting and once as a hyperlink to the most relevant page on your website. Hint: This posting is written around the phrase SEO blogging.

For SEO blogging, make it easy for readers to be able to scan through your content quickly and easily. A typical blog posting should be about 250 words and be written in a simple format.

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