SEO Trends for the Year 2021

Authored By: Phillip Salinas

2020 has been one of the craziest years. Another year is upon us and we have to make sure we are ready for what else is coming. Here are some of the SEO trends for the year in 2021.

10 SEO Trends for 2021

1. Optimize for Mobile

With over 50% of search traffic coming from a mobile device, the time to optimize your mobile interface is now (actually a few years ago, but now is a great time too)!. The term “Mobile-friendly” is what you are aiming for. This leads into trend #2.

2. User Experience (UX) 

The user experience refers to the way a user interacts with your website. Everything on your website impacts this experience which is why you will want to keep it organized. Both your desktop and mobile website will need to be designed to allow a smooth and appealing visit for the user.

3. Google My Business for Local SEO

Despite the pandemic, more people are shopping local. They want to support the small businesses near them as well not having to travel as far. Utilizing Google My Business (GMB) gives you free advertising, optimizes your google search ranking, and gives users a faster way to reach you. Local SEO is something that you are going to need as many people are using google maps for their searches. Learn more about GMB here! 

4. Rank Zero

If you don’t know what Rank Zero is, it is pretty much the spotlight (check out how to get to Rank Zero here). Appearing first on the SERP and giving users a sneak peak into what they are looking for offers you the best way to get traffic to your site. The next 3 trends are what will also help you get there.

5. Search Intent

As more users are searching for things, the formulas and algorithms update frequently to give them the best, easiest, and fastest experience. The change in search intent is something to consider when optimizing your website. What are they looking for? What do they want to know? The intent could be to learn, purchase, browse, etc. and implementing the next couple trends will help you answer their questions.

6. Direct Answers

A users search query has meaning behind it and Google uses algorithms to find out what the intent was. Once it finds out, the results that best answer the query are shown. You want to be one of the results that get shown. Ideally in Rank Zero right? Well, you are going to have to be direct with your copy. Here is an example of how Google currently shows the results (this is relatively new).

On the left, was my search query. I wanted to know why I needed a blog. The SERP thought this website had the best answer to my question. When I clicked the featured snippet, it highlighted the answer to my question on the page for me. This shows a reason why I need a blog (now I know why I need a blog). This is going to be one of the most effective SEO trends for the year 2021.

my google search


7. Conversational Copy

The way that you write will also be what factors into the trends of next year. Since intent is being analyzed more closely, your writing style will also need to be adjusted. Did you know that 47% of online searches were made by voice searches? This was bound to happen as devices such as smart speakers and phone assistants are being used more often. Since people are asking their questions as if they were having a conversion, your website copy should do so as well.

8. Quality Content

All of the trends above lead to this one. Though having quality content should be nothing new, it is still something that dominates search results. You will need to be using quality content that is what your consumers want. This means that you will have to look into the tone, substance, and intent of your content. You will need to understand what it is your audience is looking for and give it to them in an A+ manner.

9. Image Improvements

Adding images on a page already gives it a boost, but optimizing that image with keywords, alt text, and being high-quality will boost your SEO. This is important to do because with apps and features like phone assistants who can take a picture and find it online, the way searches are done will evolve rapidly.

10. Videos

Videos on a website lead to users staying on twice as long. They also help boost your SERP results by giving you an extra opportunity to add tags, keywords, and with the right set up, the ability to be shared across other platforms. If you have a video, users will watch or hear what is said compared to reading it. 


Now that you know what the Top 10 SEO Trends of 2021 are, make sure to begin using and optimizing them so that you can be found on SERPs and seen by consumers.

Thanks for reading and you can look forward to more of these blogs to help grow your business!

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