Google My Business as Local SEO Strategy

Authored By: Phillip Salinas

Google itself is advising businesses to use Google My Business as a way to improve their local rankings on their search engine results page (SERP). Google My Business offers any business a free listing on their SERP. All you have to do is register on Google My Business, add details about your business, and validate it using their code mailing system. But how exactly will this help your local SEO strategy?

Why You Need Google My Business

People are more likely to Google keywords with locations once they are ready to purchase a product or a service. When you look at a sales funnel you see several steps:

  • Awareness – This is the point where a possible client decides that they have a need and that there is a provider out there that can solve their problem.
  • Interest Phase – At this junction, people start to look for options. Your goal is to become one of those options. This is usually when the local SEO strategy starts to work for you.
  • Evaluation Phase – This is a little step backwards because people start to compare competitors. Your role in this will be to make internal business decisions that place you on the top of their list. This includes promotions, special products, and other techniques.
  • The next phase is then up to the clients. Decision, Purchase, Reevaluation, and Repurchase.

The Interest Phase and Local SEO

google my business

As mentioned, you must take this opportunity to put your business on the map – literally. Whenever someone wants to buy something, they want it fast, they want it exactly the way they want it, and they would prefer if it were the nearest provider possible.

The great thing about Google is that they don’t just place the nearest businesses in the user’s vicinity. They also show other options that are miles away, even ones that are across the country. In the United States, local SEO is more effective when you are using state keywords. In other countries, it pays to use country keywords as well.

Now, to take advantage of the interest phase, this is what you need to do:

  • Register with Google My Business.Add your address.
    • Place your marker on the map.
    • Get a verification code through mail. Google ensures that the business exists by sending in a card with a code that you need to submit to confirm.
  • Add as many details as possible.
    • Google My Business has a comprehensive features list that you can check off based on the type of business that you have.
    • If you have a restaurant, they will ask if you deliver food, whether you are a pet-friendly place, and much more.
    • If you are a software provider, they will ask for websites, application download links, and more.
    • Keep your business hours accurate, as Google may receive complaints or assess bad reviews based on whether or not your business operates during the hours that you say.
    • Manage your reviews and use them as a benchmark for better service and quality of products.

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