5 Effective Holiday Marketing Tips For The Holiday Season

Authored By: Rommel G

holiday marketing tipsThe holidays are the perfect time to amp up your marketing. But you have to be crafty about it, as customers are tired of the same old holiday gimmicks. Below are some marketing tips that will help you draw customers in this holiday season.

Not too early, not too late

You have to start your holiday promotions early enough to compete with others in the industry. But no one wants to see holiday ads in August. Avoid annoying your customers by focusing on a staggered holiday marketing campaign instead of one that you push too early. Start after Halloween and roll out new holiday content every week or every other week to keep things fresh.

Know your audience

Keep things unique by focusing your holiday marketing on a highly targeted audience. Segment your audience and tailor your marketing materials to what appeals to them. Tell a story with your holiday ads. Base the story on the specific experiences of your target audience.

Take it offline

If you can, host an event (it doesn’t have to be a big one) to kick off your holiday promotions. It can be something as simple as a visit from Santa or as elaborate as a holiday-themed bash. The important thing is that you get the word out (through social media and influencers) and that your customers go home with your holiday catalog.

The words you use make a big difference

Not everyone will appreciate a more religious tagline like “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Hanukkah.” Make your holiday marketing appeal to more potential customers by using “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” instead.

Partner with other small businesses

Partnering with other small businesses in your area lets you save on marketing costs and also widens your reach. It also promotes embracing your community, which is perfect for the holidays.

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