UX and SEO Best Practices

Authored By: Rommel G

To have a great website (especially mobile), you will need to mix some UX and SEO best practices together to ensure optimal results. Let me start by explaining UX, then SEO. But, since you may already know about SEO, I will quickly talk about it and how it plays alongside UX, and why you should incorporate them both into your website. After you see how they play along, there will be some tips for UX and SEO best practices that you will be able to implement on your website.

ux and seo together

What is UX?

UX stands for User eXperience. By user experience, it means how a user experiences your website. This term is mostly used when regarding mobile, or more “hand-ready” devices if you will.

UX, in summary, is anything that has to do with how the user navigates and interacts with your website.

How does SEO play with UX?

Well, SEO is how someone finds you, with words. When they find you, that is where the UX starts.

This is why UX and SEO go hand-in-hand. Think of them as a book. If SEO is the text, then UX is the binding and pages. It is kind of hard to read a loose-leaf book, so the binding keeps it all in one place, creating pages that you can easily turn. See how it all ties together?

Why do you need to use UX and SEO Best Practices together?

As you can see, from the book example above, the relevance of each of these are important to each other. You must take into consideration how users will be able to find the information they want from the SEO, and how they will navigate it using the UX.

Now, let me share with you those UX and SEO best practices.

UX and SEO Best Practices

1. Think Like Your Users

If you were to look for something on your website, where would you go to find it? What would be the easiest or fastest way to get there? What are the pain points that they want to solve?

Think of these questions when you are organizing your website for optimal UX. Humans tend to like things that are simple and easy, and so does AI, like Google. The easier it is to find something on your page, the more likely users will make some kind of conversion.

Google, itself, tends to find the best result that is what the user is looking for and will be simple for them to use.

2. Don’t Overstuff Your Website

What do I mean by overstuffing? I am talking about three things.

  • Your keywords for SEO. Google does not favor keyword stuffing and it is sort of frowned upon as well. You will need to place them the right amount and in the right places to do so.
  • Your homepage. No user will want to see a jam-packed homepage that is super busy and crowded with things that are all over the place. Keep your website, especially the homepage, neat, clean, and organized.
  • Your menus. Keep your navigational menus organized and categorized. Don’t make it hard for someone to find something. This is where you can really take the pain points and solve them. By making tabs and subtabs for your content, the user will be able to go directly to what they need.

Note: I am not saying that it has to be boring. It can be simple and clean, yet fun and happy at the same time! You will have to find the sweet spot for your website which is something simple but does not take away from your brand or company. This is the only way you will be able to get the most using UX and SEO best practices.

3. Optimize Your Page Speeds

One of the reasons why you may have a high bounce rate is because your pages load very slowly. It only takes less than a few seconds before someone backs out and goes to find another website.

Bringing the previous tip into this one, that is one of the reasons why your page is slow. If you have too much going on or too much on your website, that slows down your page speeds.

A couple of tips for this are to:

  1. Make sure your images are compressed the right amount so that they are not blurry, yet not too big. 
  2. Try not to have too many links that redirect them to someplace else.

4. Make Simple URLs

Rewrite your URLs so that they look clean, neat, and polished. They should be easy to retype without copy and paste.

You got lots of information today, so I hope you will be able to go forth and get your website optimized with both these UX and SEO best practices.

Good Luck!

You can fully optimize your website for SEO and UX using the best practices by the experts at Techna Digital today.

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