Latest Web Design Trends

Authored By: Rommel G

Web design is an ever-evolving internet trend. It requires a lot of study and skills just to keep up with the latest web designs and digital techniques. So keeping up with all these are essential for one to succeed in the field, as the demand is always high.

Every year, new or updated web design trends pop up. And in 2018, here are the ones you should keep your eye on.

web designIntegrated Animations

Using a non-moving picture is a staple feature used by many web designers since the beginning of the internet. But for the past decade, the use of animations is taking over, especially with how vastly improved animations are these days. Back in the days, animations are blocky, flashy, and just not that good looking. These days, it is amazing how far they improved, from animated logos to animations that are triggered by scrolling your mouse pointer over them.


  • Compared to the past, integrated animations does not require large data.
  • Adds a personal touch and specific style on your site
  • It can easily explain things or products through animation
  • Sets you apart from the rest of the competition.
  • Have an impact on the viewer, may it be through the uniqueness or humor or how entertaining the animations are.

Flat design

A flat design is when a website shows mostly texts, with minimal photos or designs as possible. These are popular especially among mobile version of websites. So by sacrificing some functionality, Flash, videos, or animation, you can improves the loading time of your website.

A flat design uses few layers in its creation. The designs are much less elaborate, but still follow the principles of visual marketing and color psychology. If you look at new startups and their websites, you’ll see that there is less clutter and just a linear view of the features and details of the site. Should you wish to know more, these sites have internal links that are also using flat designs. The goal of this rising trend is to offer a seamless user experience and still uphold the aesthetics of their brand.


  • Makes it more accessible to most people, by making the site load faster.
  • By loading faster, it improves Google’s Quality Score.
  • Easier to program due to the simplistic design.

Serif fonts

In the past, web designers do not use serif fonts in websites. Back then, they were not seen as hip or legible. But lately, they are gaining popularity among web designers, and are now actually considered trendy and cool.


  • The serif fonts are now seen as classy, sassy and cool.
  • Adds flair to the website.
  • By adding color, underlines, italics, and other font features, it can highlight certain points in a text and make the whole thing less flat and boring.


The use of color is not a new thing in web design. But as technology advances, so do the beauty of color and resolution. With the proper hardware output, some colors are as realistic as it can be, like the use of HDR or an OLED screen. It really brings the wow-factor.


  • With the right combination, it can make the website attractive to visitors. It can even be the make-or-break deal for some.
  • It can portray different emotions the website is trying to bring. From a relaxing sky-blue to an aggressive-red background, the color can really set the tone of a site.

Color Psychology

The use of matching and contrasting color is widely being adopted in the web design industry. This has been made possible mainly because of the technological advancements in devices enabling the reproduction of richer colors. In 2018, designers are more likely to explore numerous ways of delivering exceptional experiences through color psychology.

Color psychology is the concept of eliciting emotions and reactions from people using different hues.

  • Red denotes a sense of urgency, which urges people to act on something. This is why sales usually use red, bold, fonts.
  • Blue represents trustworthiness, which is why most corporations use this because they want to show their clients that they will be taken care of.
  • Yellow is light and fun, which is why it is best for retail. Businesses can give clients a relaxing and fun shopping experience using this color.
  • Green is all about the environment, as well as peace and tranquility. This is most effective for businesses with sustainable practices or natural products.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many colors to choose from, but the most important thing to do is how you will use them.


  • Different colors can be used to convey a variety of meanings. For example, warm colors work well for calls to action on websites as they are bold and aggressive.
  • The colors make the website attractive and highlighting certain areas does help in capturing the attention of the viewer.

How Can This Help Your Business

By implementing these changes to your website, you will be able to keep your clients on your page for longer periods of time. This lets them get to know you better because it makes them feel comfortable to stay in a website that is attractive, fast, and informative. Just look at these numbers:

  • 39% of people will leave the site if the images don’t load quickly enough
  • Bounce rates increase by 8% if your page loads just a second slower than another one.
  • This is the big one: Two-thirds of internet users – that’s almost 70%! – would rather read something in a pretty website rather than a dull website.

It is vital that you prioritize design if possible because most of the conversions online rely on what people see in the first 10 seconds of visiting your website. That’s not the worst part. It only takes half a second for a person to form an opinion about your site based on color, font, accessibility, and most of all, speed.

You shouldn’t rely on your products and content either. Even if you have the most helpful information out there, it has no value if a user doesn’t want to stay to check out your products or services or the information you have to offer.

To take advantage of the benefits, you must instruct your web developer to make the changes that are fit for your business. Choose the right color. Make your website faster by utilizing images with lower resolutions, but more attractive designs or subjects on your pages. Use every item at your disposal and you will achieve more than just a sale. You will have a loyal customer.

To sum it all up, the pride of every web designer is obviously the beauty and fluidity of their webpage. The trends mentioned here will definitely keep you up to date with what is hot in the world of web designing.

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