How Your SERP Listing Looks Affects your Click Through Rate

Authored By: Phillip Salinas

organic-growthSomebody searches for your product or services on Google. Your site comes up on page 1 of the SERPs along with 9 other websites. Good Job… Your SEO is working.

Will the searcher pick your site or will someone else’s site look more appealing? You have to do more than just come up on page one, you need to create the best looking and most compelling search result so people will actually click through to your website.

CTR or click-through-rate is known to be part of Google’s search algorithm. This is easy for Google to measure. How many times is your website presented to searchers and what percentage of the time do they actually click on it? It only makes sense that Google would move the best ones up and the worst ones down.

What are ways you can improve your click through rate? You need to make your search result look informative, interesting or even entertaining. The search result displays the Title Tag as the headline and the META Description as the body.

META Descriptions: As you write these for each page on your website, make them a well written 140 character ad that will encourage searchers to enter your website. It takes understanding of why people are searching for you. You need to let them know that your website has the answer they are searching for.

Title Tag: This is the headline that attracts their attention. Including the keyword that they searched for will grab their attention. You have less than 70 characters to make your point. You need to craft this Title tag to grab the attention of the humans that are searching. Many SEOs write these for the search engines only.

If you want to attract more search traffic, then you need to become obsessed with the presentation of your search result. Craft them carefully to grab attention and pique curiosity. Always think about conversion rate optimization in everything you do.

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