How to Create SEO Content that Search Engines Love

Authored By: Phillip Salinas

seo-writingGone are the days where a small business can afford to have an unchanging 5 page website. Google has been shifting its algorithm to favor websites that continually put up new and fresh SEO content.

You can choose to add new web pages and keep expanding your website. The easier method is to add a blog to your website and do blog marketing. Each new posting will add one page of fresh keyword rich text to your website.

Tips to write SEO content for the search engines

  1. Research: Always research your target keywords and focus your page or post on a single phrase. If you are regularly adding content (and you should), create a master list of keyword phrases that you can draw from as you write.
  2. Persuade: Write first to entertain, convince, tempt, excite and involve your readers. Implement keyword phrases prominently to make your content visible in the search engines. Use the search engines to draw readers to your page and once they arrive engage them with your writing style.
  3. Share: Make sharing your SEO content easy. Add features and links that make sharing with social media easy such as tweeting, email a friend or social bookmarking. On your blog add links to make email subscriptions easy such as with Feedburner.
  4. Track: Measure your results using your analytics. See which content is drawing organic search traffic. Measure bounce rates to see if your writing is engaging your audience? How much traffic is coming from your sharing features? Experiment and when something works, do more of it.

Successful websites will continually be adding fresh original content that uses keyword rich content that engages readers once they arrive.

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