How to Improve Your SEO

Authored By: Phillip Salinas

How to Improve SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

A lot of people are interested in how to improve their SEO. The best way is to make sure that you have good content on your blog. If the content is useful, it will rank higher for different keywords and bring in more traffic. 

Many people have asked me how to improve SEO ranking on google so much over the years, and while there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, I think a big part of it has been creating good content on my blog.


Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of your SEO strategy. It’s important to choose keywords that are both relevant to your business or website and have a decent search volume every month. That will ensure that people are looking for what you are offering. If no one searches for information about what you offer, you can’t expect to have any traffic.

So, if you are asking how to improve SEO on Google, you can check the below tips for keyword research:

Pro Tips on Keyword Research:

  1. Include it in your SEO strategy if your keyword has over 1,000 monthly searches and low competition (low CPC). If it has fewer than 100 searches per month but high competition (high CPC), you should probably pick another term.
  2. Always use your main keyword phrases as meta tags, page titles, and URLs. 
  3. The first three words in your meta description and page title should be your main keyword phrase. Put those keywords in your page URL, description, title, and meta description. Then, Google will be more likely to show your website in relevant search results.
  4. Use long-tail keywords that are relevant to what you offer instead of one main keyword phrase. For example, it’s better to use “graphic design services Sacramento” than just “graphic design.” It might take a few extra minutes to get more specific with your keywords, but it will be worth it in the end.

Establishing a Strategy

Your strategy will depend on what your goals are for your site. For example, if you own an eCommerce store, it’s essential to think about how SEO can help increase sales and customer loyalty. 

You may want to appear at the top of Google results so that people who are looking for related products will go to your website instead of a competitor’s. Or maybe you want to rank higher for keywords relevant to your business so that people will be more likely to visit. If you’re a blogger, there are different things you need to consider when formulating an SEO strategy.

In Implementing a Strategy:

  • Find out what your website’s current SEO

The Acquisition > All Traffic > Organic search section should be checked for organic page views, which means they came from natural search results. This will give you some great insight into keywords people are using to find your website.

  • Read the search terms section of Google Analytics.

For more specific information about which real people are using specific keyword phrases, you can read the search terms section of Google Analytics. This will give you an idea of what types of search terms work well on your site so that you can use them in future blog posts or on your site. It will also help you determine which keywords have the highest converting rates so that you can use them to monetize your website.

  • Track Search Results

Track what happens after someone clicks on a search result page to find out whether they actually looked at any of your pages or not. Your goal is to figure out precisely how people are finding your site so that you can increase the amount of traffic you get from search engines by better optimizing your content.

  • Use Google Search Console

Use Google Search Console to see where you’re ranking for each keyword phrase. The main thing I would recommend doing here is checking the performance indicators to see how much traffic certain keywords are driving to your website.


Take Advantage of Internal Linking

Link to related pages on your site or use other keywords that you found through Google Keyword Planner. If you are selling vintage cameras, link that term when you talk about lenses or film. You can also take advantage of useful plugins that would help with your internal linking strategy. 

Link out to authoritative sites in your industry. So, if you are writing an article about photo editing software, link to blog posts or websites that people will find helpful. For example, you could link to Adobe Creative Cloud.

Not all links are created equal, so be careful when using them in your content. Too many low-quality backlinks can be viewed as spam, and your site might get penalized for it. Make sure that the sites you link to have useful information on them or provide an affiliate code for your website.

First-page results for any Google search are very hard to achieve, so your goal, for now, should be to get on those first few pages. Getting those positions requires a mixture of creativity and knowledge, but keep practicing, and you’ll eventually improve your rankings.


Use Keyword Research Tools

See what keywords are currently being searched and add other long-tail keywords to expand your SEO strategy. Keyword Planner will show you the estimated monthly searches for a certain term, how much competition there is, and related keyword suggestions.

You can use other tools like Google Trends and Google Suggest to help you decide. For example, if you sell custom socks, type that in and see what other phrases people type in when they search for it.


Use Google Analytics to Get Informed

Find out where your customers are coming from and what other keywords they are using. This information will help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and how to improve your site.

If you have a million visitors coming to your website each month, but an average of only 1% of those visitors is converting into paying customers. In that case, it might be time for some improvement.


Use “https” on Your Site.

Having a secure connection is important because Google might consider your site unsafe otherwise. This could lead to lower rankings even though you think your site is perfect.

If you don’t have SSL yet, sign up for a free Cloudflare account. You can manage all of your sites with them, and they offer resources to help improve web security.


Make use of Mobile Friendliness.

Some businesses may not find it necessary, but you have to remember that more people are using mobile phones when searching online than desktop, so make your site mobile capable. Being responsive will ensure that more people can find and access your site easily on their phones and tablets.



You probably have been wondering for years and asked, “how to improve seo”? Improving SEO isn’t as easy as some people think, but it is possible. There are a number of steps to take in order for any company to rank higher and get more traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! 

Let our team at Techno Digital Marketing help you with your next project. We can provide consultation on how best to improve your website content or strategy so that you can start ranking higher.

Contact us today if you want the best SEO services around. Our experts will be happy to answer any questions about what we do or offer affordable packages for all of our clients who need assistance improving their online presence.

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