Secure Your Site With HTTPS

Authored By: Rommel G

3 Reasons to upgrade your website to HTTPS

It is no longer an option for your website to be merely HTTP (no S) which is without an SSL certificate. It used to be you only needed a secure website if you were doing e-commerce with an online shopping cart and customers entered their credit card info on your site.


  1. Builds trust if you do lead generation.
  2. Improve your search engine rankings
  3. Your competition is doing it.

Security is something both businesses and individuals tend to avoid or put off. This can include using uniques secure passwords, avoiding clicking on the links in phishing emails or making their websites secured with SSL (HTTPS). Security often gets ignored because it’s too expensive, too much hassle, too disruptive or doesn’t produce immediate gains.

Google is changing all this. The Google Chrome browser has started warning users that HTTP websites are “Not Secure” and the user’s interactions with the website can be hacked. This will cause visitors to mistrust websites without SSL. As of July 2018, Google Chrome began displaying a “not secure” error on any website not using the HTTPS protocol.

Need help implementing HTTPS on your website? Email us at, hop on our Contact Us page or call us at (360) 200-8688 for help with digital marketing for your business.

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